
Each RESTOR International mission requires a team of dedicated medical and non-medical to work together. The size of our teams varies depending on the number of operating rooms available at the local hospital and the number of patients we expect to see while on site.
An average medical team is comprised of three to four plastic surgeons, three to four pediatric anesthesiologists, a head nurse, three to four operating room nurses, three recovery room nurses, two pediatricians and a professional who can counsel about prevention and diet. We also invite orthodontists, and other specialists depending on the need of the host country. Please visit the Medical Volunteers section for more information about volunteering with RESTOR International.
Our non-medical volunteers are usually affiliated with the mission Sponsor and are carefully selected. In many cases our pool of volunteers are from Rotary Districts and/or Rotary Clubs sponsoring an international service project with Host Clubs. We ask that our non-medical volunteers’ commitment to RESTOR International go beyond the scope of the immediate medical mission. With a limited number of spaces each year, volunteers become part of our alumni. As such, they help expand our efforts by creating public awareness of the program here in Canada. Please visit the Non-Medical Volunteers section for more information about volunteering with RESTOR International.
Medical Volunteers
We accept applications from medical professionals from the following fields:
- Plastic Surgeons w/Cleft Care Background
- Pediatricians
- Anesthesiologists
- Operating Room Nurses*
- Recovery Room Nurses*
- Orthodontists
- Surgical specialists in other disciplines as required
* A minimum of two years clinical experience is required in this specialty.
Our Medical Volunteer Application will be available soon. Please check back for opportunities to join a mission in 2016.
Non-Medical Volunteers
Most non-medical positions are filled by Rotarians from the sponsoring Club and Districts. Nevertheless, we welcome applications from anyone who is interested in becoming involved. It is important to seek non-medical volunteers whose commitment to RESTOR International goes beyond the scope of the immediate medical mission. With a limited number of spaces each year, volunteers become part of RESTOR International Alumni. As such, they help expand our efforts by creating public awareness of the program.
Each successful Candidate must agree to fundraise a minimum of $3,000 towards the overall cost of the mission, cover the cost of their airfare and be prepared upon their return to commit to speaking engagements that increase awareness of the work we do as well as generate donations for future missions.
Our Non-Medical Volunteer Application will be available soon, please check back for opportunities to join a mission in 2016.
Below please find a sampling of the many volunteer positions that non-medical volunteers can apply for during a Mission. Please contact us for more information on these volunteer positions.
- Mission Director
- Assistant Mission Director
- Quartermaster
- Medical Records Keeper
- Equipment Sterilizer
- Interpreter
- Photojournalist
- Ward Coordinator
- Recovery Room Helper
- Patient Transport
- Recreation Therapist
Other Volunteers
Occasionally, we need volunteers to help us with administrative or fund raising duties. If you would like to support RESTOR International in this capacity, please contact us at [email protected].